Programa internacional Global Scholars
A 1r d’ESO formem part de Global Scholars, un programa internacional d’aprenentatge en línia que connecta estudiants d’escoles situades en ciutats d’arreu del món amb l’objectiu de preparar-los per esdevenir ciutadans globals. El primer que hem fet és un vídeo per presentar- nos, mostrar el nostre centre, la nostra ciutat, la nostra cultura i tradicions. Aquí el teniu:
Els nostres companys/es de Nur Sultan ens han comentat el vídeo:
Dear peers at school Coves d’en Cimany in Barcelona city.
Thank you for sharing your video! Our class really enjoyed the story of your city Barcelona, its beautiful places and buildings.
Our cities are similar because we both live in big cities with tall and modern buildings. Our children also like sports and our boys enjoy playing soccer too.
One thing about your city that is new to us is your seafood which is very unusual for us. And the fact that you go to school in the morning and in the afternoon. We only go to school once a day from 2:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Please, can you tell us more about the culture and traditions of your country? What is the weather like in Barcelona? How cold is it in winter? In Nur-Sultan, the temperature can be -40 C° in January.
Your friends at gymnasium №6 in Nur-Sultan city
Us anirem pujant els projectes que anem fent. Fins la propera!